The StartupLab : Compliance | Tech | Funding

BabyOrgano Launch And Details
How BabyOrgano Is Reviving Ayurvedic Remedies And Providing Safe and Natural Solutions For Babies And Kids Care Needs

In a world where innovation and technology shape our daily lives, it is all too easy to lose touch with our roots and the natural remedies that have stood the…

Naturefit Story
Naturefit: One Click For Everything Natural

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to an increase in awareness about the importance of preventive health and alternative medicine. People are now more concerned about their health than ever before.…

CloudTailor-Personalised Fashion
How CloudTailor Is Making Fashion Easy For Women With Its Online Personalized Fashion and Tailoring Solutions

Before ready-to-wear apparel got popular in India, Indians preferred to wear customized clothing made by tailors of their choice. With time, the preferences changed, and the country witnessed the rise…

FilmTech Startup ABC Talkies Story
FilmTech Startup ABC Talkies Is Bringing Revolution In The Digital Entertainment Space By Creating A Film Marketplace Ecosystem

By a majority of people, movies are considered the highest art form. And as time is changing, this art is also evolving. Improved writing, story, editing and narrative techniques, photography,…

GraffersID – One Source For Digital Solutions

Technology has changed the way businesses used to work for a long. Now, businesses that are leveraging technology are excelling and growing much faster than businesses that are technologically shy.… Founder: Ankush Sharma
How Chandigarh-based Startup Is Changing The Transportation And Logistics Segment In Tricity

The logistics and transport industry has been the backbone of the Indian economy. And amidst COVID-19, the sector has played a key role in the supply of essential goods and…

Skin Pot Founders: Anondeep Ganguly and Prabmehar Singh
With Precise And Efficient Formulations, Skincare Startup Skin Pot Is Looking At A Minimalist Approach To Skincare

Having tried several skincare brands in an attempt to solve issues of enlarged pores and pigmentation, Anondeep Ganguly and Prabmehar Singh realised that skincare products available in the market were…

Ping Founder: Vartika Bansal
Social Commerce Startup Ping Is Connecting Farmers And Other Small Business Owners With Communities

The increasing number of buying and selling groups on social media platforms is proof that online socializing and online shopping make an extremely compatible pair. And as social media users…

KareXpert Founder: Nidhi Jain
Helping Hospitals Streamline Patient Data Flow, KareXpert Aims At Digitally Transforming One Lakh Hospitals By 2026

Advancements in tech have enabled us to remove the existing inefficiencies and has resulted in a paradigm shift in several sectors such as healthcare, education, foodtech, logistics, eCommerce, and many…

AutoRehman Founders: M. Rehman and Tasneem
Leveraging Technology, These Entrepreneurs Are Simplifying The Used Car Mess In India

Backed by the burgeoning need for affordable and high-quality vehicles & hardening new car prices, the demand for pre-owned cars is growing in India (especially among the Millenials). As per…

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