Top 5 Strategic Alternatives to Venture Capital for Tech Startups in India

Venture Capital Alternatives for Startups

In the startup world, venture capital is often the first option that founders consider when they look to raise capital. And traditionally, this form of capital raising has been the most popular source of funding for Indian tech startups in the past decades.

VC firms not only infuse capital in startups but also provide invaluable market expertise, helping startups elevate their business profile and credibility. Additionally, getting backed by a reputed VC firm depicts a vote of confidence, highlighting the growth potential of a startup in the market.

Despite numerous benefits, there has been a notable shift in the funding preferences of startups. Many tech startups in India are increasingly exploring other alternatives to venture capital, driven by a desire for more favorable terms, greater control, and diverse mentorship opportunities.

Based on the shift in the funding preferences of startups, The StartupLab has prepared a list of the top 5 strategic alternatives to venture capital funding that every startup founder should be familiar with. 

Venture Capital Alternatives for Startups

There is no doubt that the Indian government has played a major role in nurturing Indian startups through several dedicated grants and schemes, each aimed at promoting startups and ensuring their success.

Going by specific numbers, a total sum of Rs. 7,527.95 crore has been approved (committed) as of 30 November 2022 by the government under the Fund of Funds for Startups Scheme. Further, last year, the government of Odisha approved a grant of INR 1,28,26,000 to 10 high-potential startups in the state operating in sectors such as HR tech, enterprise technology, retail, agritech, food and beverages, education, and logistics.

Several such government schemes and grants can propel startups to the level of growth. The process usually involves registering through online portals, where you submit your business plan and fulfill specific eligibility criteria. 

Leveraging these resources can significantly reduce financial strain, allowing you to focus on scaling your tech venture. Further, getting backing from the government is one of the best alternatives to venture capital.

For tech entrepreneurs, these schemes offer several tangible benefits:

  • Startup India Scheme: Provides tax benefits, legal support, and easier compliance.
  • Atal Innovation Mission (AIM): Focuses on promoting innovation and offers access to incubators and mentorship.
  • MUDRA Loans under Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojana (PMMY): Offers loans up to 10 lakh INR to non-corporate, non-farm small/micro-enterprises.
  • SIDBI Make in India Loan for Enterprises (SMILE): Aimed at MSMEs, it offers soft loans and quasi-equity.

Engaging with an angel investor can be a transformative experience for a tech startup, as these investors offer a blend of financial support and mentorship, enabling startups to grow and innovate.

Unlike VCs, angel investors usually take a more hands-on approach, offering personalized mentorship and guidance. They often have less stringent terms and conditions compared to traditional VC funding. Further, angel investors often bring extensive industry networks that can open doors for business development and future funding.

The growth of angel investing is quite evident from the fact that despite a funding winter, investment activity among the country’s most active angel investors has been relatively steady.

To attract the right angel investors in India, consider these tips:

  • Craft a Compelling Pitch: Your pitch should articulate your business idea clearly, highlighting its potential and your vision.
  • Research Potential Investors: Look for angels whose investment history aligns with your industry and vision.
  • Leverage Networking Platforms: Attend startup events and use online platforms like Indian Angel Network and AngelList India to connect with potential investors.
  • Prepare for Diligence: Be ready with a thorough business plan, market analysis, and a clear explanation of how the raised funds will be utilized.

In recent times, Crowdfunding has emerged as a game changer in the startup funding ecosystem, particularly for tech entrepreneurs. 

This approach harnesses the collective financial support of a large number of people, primarily via online platforms, allowing startups to raise funds without giving up equity or incurring debt. The global crowdfunding market is estimated to rise from $1.41 billion in 2023 to $3.62 billion by 2030.

Key aspects of crowdfunding for Indian tech startups include:

  • Variety of Platforms: Websites like Ketto, Wishberry, and Milaap cater to different crowdfunding models, including rewards-based, donation-based, and equity-based.
  • Rewards-Based Crowdfunding: Ideal for startups wishing to test the market with their products or services. Startup backers receive a reward or product in return for their contribution.
  • Equity-Based Crowdfunding: Involves exchanging a stake in the company for funding, suitable for startups with a clear business model and growth plan. As per a report, equity crowdfunding is expected to expand in the coming years. 
Venture Capital Alternatives for Tech Startups in India

With founders wanting to take more control over their startups, Debt financing and Venture Debt are gaining traction in India as reliable sources of capital for businesses of all sizes. Confused between the two? Let me explain in simpler terms.

Traditional debt financing, commonly understood as taking loans from financial institutions, differs fundamentally from venture debt. Venture debt, specifically tailored for startups, usually comes in after an equity round and offers a blend of loan features with lesser dilution than equity financing.

Key distinctions and insights include:

  • Debt Financing: Traditional loans that require regular repayments with interest. Best suited for startups with stable revenue streams and the ability to service debt.
  • Venture Debt: A form of debt financing but designed for startups with high growth potential, typically used alongside venture capital. It offers flexibility and less equity dilution.
  • Pros of Debt Financing: Retains ownership and control, no dilution of shares, and predictable repayment schedules.
  • Cons of Debt Financing: Requires consistent cash flow for repayments, often secured against assets, and may have higher interest rates.
  • Pros of Venture Debt: Provides additional capital without significant equity dilution, shorter term than traditional loans, and can extend a company’s runway between equity rounds.
  • Cons of Venture Debt: Usually requires some form of warrant or equity kicker, is best used when there’s a clear path to profitability or the next funding round, and can be risky if the company’s growth stalls.

So, if you want to retain your ownership and at the same time raise external capital, you can opt for Debt Financing and Venture Debt.

For tech startups in India, incubators and accelerators can be a game-changer. In addition to funding, they provide a supportive ecosystem where founders can build connections and update their knowledge.

Incubators are like greenhouses where early-stage startups are provided with the right environment to develop their ideas and business models. Accelerators, on the other hand, are more like catalysts that propel growth, typically focusing on scaling up businesses that have moved beyond the nascent stage.

Key highlights of these programs include:

  • Diverse Support: Beyond capital, they offer mentorship, office space, and access to technology and resources.
  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with industry experts, seasoned entrepreneurs, and potential investors.
  • Skill Development: Incubators and accelerators offer workshops, training sessions, and one-on-one mentoring sessions to hone business skills.

Top incubators and accelerators in India:

  • Indian Angel Network Incubator: Offers funding, mentorship, and market reach.
  • T-Hub: Focuses on tech startups, providing a platform for scaling and global expansion.
  • NASSCOM 10,000 Startups: Aim to incubate, fund, and provide ambient support to startups.

Don’t get fixated on a single option for raising funds as there are numerous alternatives to traditional venture capital available for startups. And if you are one of these founders who don’t want to share a significant portion of your startup equity with investors you can opt for these VC funding alternatives.

Each option mentioned above presents unique benefits tailored to different stages of startup growth. Exploring these diverse avenues can be a strategic step towards not only securing funding but also gaining valuable resources and networks. As a startup founder or business owner, remember, that the right choice of funding can significantly influence your startup’s journey. So, embrace these alternatives and steer your venture towards a path of sustainable growth and innovation.

If you require assistance in raising funds, contact us. We have assisted 17 startups to get funding and over 1000 businesses have used our suite of legal services. Our experience and expertise working with startups could be the key to ensuring your startup gets the capital it requires to grow successfully.

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Note: If you are a budding entrepreneur and require assistance to register a Pvt Ltd Companyregister a company, create financial projections, business development, LLP Registration, compliance filing, funding formalities, debt fundingCFO Services, or other startup related legal servicescontact us.