India’s E-commerce Industry: Insights into E-commerce Startups in India, Opportunities, Market Growth, Challenges, and Emerging Trends

E-commerce industry in India, Startups

There is no doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the growth of the already growing e-commerce industry in India. And over the years, India has rapidly evolved in the e-commerce segment, standing out as a nation highlighting potential and innovation, particularly for startups. The significant increase in internet connections to 830 million, primarily driven by the ‘Digital India’ initiative, has laid a robust foundation for the e-commerce sector. 

In 2018, the e-commerce industry in India was valued at approximately US $22 billion. Currently, it is valued at US $63.17 billion, and this number is estimated to reach US $350 billion by 2030, as per Statista, a global data and business intelligence platform. Also, India is expected to rank first among 20 countries worldwide in retail e-commerce development between 2023 and 2027.

In terms of funding, Indian e-commerce startups raised $4.01 Bn funding in 2022, where D2C and B2B emerged as two of the biggest subsectors, raising $1.65 Bn and $1.47 Bn, respectively, as reported by Inc42. These numbers show the strong growth of the e-commerce industry in India over the years. 

In this blog, we will talk about e-commerce opportunities for startups in India. Key points covered in this content piece include:

  • Size and growth of the e-commerce industry in India
  • Challenges and Solutions for Startups in E-commerce
  • Emerging Trends in Indian E-commerce
  • How to set up an E-commerce startup In India 
E-commerce industry in India, Startups

Understanding the E-commerce Industry in India

Here are some key points highlighting details of the e-commerce market in India:

1. Size and growth of the e-commerce market in India

The Indian e-commerce market is witnessing an unprecedented expansion. Consider the numbers: by 2024, the e-commerce market is poised to reach an astounding US$ 111 billion, and it doesn’t stop there. By 2026, forecasts suggest a leap to US$ 200 billion. This trajectory continues with an expected surge to US$ 350 billion by 2030. 

2. Key Drivers of Growth:

Several factors are fueling this extraordinary growth. First and foremost is the dramatic increase in internet penetration. In 2021 alone, India saw its number of internet connections soar to 830 million, largely credited to the ambitious ‘Digital India’ program. A significant portion of these connections, approximately 55%, are concentrated in urban areas, with an overwhelming 97% being wireless. 

Another crucial driver of this rapid growth is the increasing adoption of smartphones. With projections indicating that the smartphone base in India will hit 1 billion by 2026, the potential for e-commerce engagement is enormous. 

3. Demographics of Online Shoppers in India

The demographic profile of online shoppers in India is as diverse as the country itself. It spans various age groups, geographic locations, and socio-economic backgrounds, showing the inclusive nature of India’s digital growth. Over the past three years, India has welcomed 125 million new online shoppers, and an additional 80 million are anticipated by 2025.

A 2022 e-commerce report by Boston Consulting Group highlighted that the number of rural internet users in India has tripled in the past five years, surpassing urban users. The report also highlighted that people across various age groups, income levels, and genders engage in online shopping, including those over 45, women, and residents of smaller cities.

Emerging Trends in the E-commerce Industry in India

Here are the top emerging trends in the Indian E-commerce segment:

1. Mobile Commerce (M-Commerce) Trends

The mobile commerce revolution in India is undeniable. With the smartphone user base poised to hit 1 billion by 2026, your e-commerce platform must be optimized for mobile. This trend isn’t just about accessibility; it’s about offering an engaging, seamless mobile shopping experience. Think of mobile optimization as your ticket to tapping into a vast and ever-growing market.

2. The Rise of Social Media Shopping

Social media’s role in e-commerce has skyrocketed, with its usage as a shopping channel jumping from 8% in 2018 to 23% in 2021. This shift isn’t just a trend; it’s a consumer behavior transformation. Platforms like Instagram and Facebook are becoming digital storefronts, where engaging content can turn followers into customers. Embracing social commerce means joining your customers where they spend a significant portion of their digital lives.

3. Advent of AI and Personalized Shopping Experiences

Artificial Intelligence in e-commerce isn’t just about technology; it’s about creating a personalized shopping journey for each customer. AI enables you to offer tailored recommendations and responsive customer service, transforming the standard shopping experience into something unique and personal. Integrating AI into your e-commerce strategy means staying a step ahead in customer satisfaction.

4. Integration of Local Languages for Wider Reach

In India, linguistic diversity presents an opportunity to connect more deeply with customers. With over half of the country’s internet users residing in rural areas, local language integration can significantly widen your market reach. It’s more than translation; it’s about creating a sense of belonging and trust among a broader customer base.

The Indian consumer technology landscape is vibrant, as evidenced by the sector’s $250 billion valuation and the emergence of over 40 unicorns as of December 2022. These figures underscore the sector’s vast potential and dynamic growth. Moreover, the changing demographics of online shoppers, including a significant proportion over 35 years old, women, and from tier 2+ cities, highlight the expanding reach of e-commerce across various segments of the population. 

Emerging Trends in the E-commerce Industry in India

Challenges and Solutions for Indian E-commerce Startups

While the e-commerce industry in India offers startups opportunities to succeed, the industry is lined with challenges. Here are some common challenges that e-commerce startups face, followed by numerous strategies and solutions to address them. 

Challenge 1: Logistics and Supply Chain Complexities:

The vast geography of India brings with it intricate logistics and supply chain challenges. And as a startup, managing efficient delivery, handling returns, and maintaining product quality can seem difficult.


  • Leverage Technology: Implementing advanced logistics software can streamline your supply chain, optimizing routes and reducing delivery times.
  • Partner with Local Players: Collaborating with local logistics companies can enhance your reach and efficiency, particularly in tier-2 and tier-3 cities.
  • Focus on Inventory Management: Efficient inventory management using predictive analytics can minimize overstocking and understocking, ensuring a smooth supply chain.

Challenge 2: Competition from Established E-commerce Giants:

Competing with giants like Amazon and Flipkart can be intimidating for startups, with their vast product ranges, aggressive pricing, and extensive logistics networks.


  • Carve a Niche: Specializing in a niche market can help you stand out and attract a loyal customer base.
  • Offer Unique Products or Services: Providing products or services that are not readily available on larger platforms can give you a competitive edge.
  • Enhance Customer Experience: Focus on providing exceptional customer service, personalized experiences, and building a strong brand narrative.

Challenge 3: Navigating the Regulatory Environment

The e-commerce sector in India is subject to various regulations and compliance requirements, which can be challenging to keep up with, especially for new entrants.


  • Stay Informed and Compliant: Regularly update yourself on the latest e-commerce policies and ensure compliance to avoid legal hurdles.
  • Seek Legal Expertise: Consulting with legal experts like The StartupLab can provide clarity and guidance in navigating the regulatory landscape.

Niche Opportunities for New Startups:

As the Indian e-commerce sector continues to grow, it offers a breeding ground for startups looking to carve out their own niche. If you’re a business owner or startup founder, identifying and capitalizing on these niche opportunities can be your key to success in this dynamic marketplace. Let’s explore some promising areas where new startups can make their mark.

1. Identifying Underserved Markets within the Indian E-commerce Space

The Indian market is diverse and vast, with many segments still underserved or untapped.

  • Focus on Regional Needs: Consider the unique needs of different regions or communities. For instance, catering to local tastes in fashion, food, or even regional handicrafts can help you address a market that bigger players might overlook.
  • Specialized Products for Niche Audiences: Look for product categories that have a dedicated but underserved audience, such as eco-friendly products, specialized sports equipment, or unique home décor items.

2. Opportunities in B2B E-commerce

The B2B e-commerce space in India is still in its nascent stage, offering numerous opportunities for startups.

  • Digital Platforms for SMEs: Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are increasingly seeking digital solutions for their procurement and sales processes. Creating platforms that cater to these needs can fill a crucial gap in the market.
  • Niche Industry Solutions: Providing specialized B2B e-commerce platforms for industries like manufacturing, agriculture, or healthcare can offer tailored solutions that are much needed.

Examples of B2B e-commerce platforms include Jumbotail (a B2B Grocery Marketplace) and ONWO (One World), a Bengaluru-based B2B digitally enabled food export platform.

3. Potential for Innovative E-commerce Models

Similar to every industry, innovation is key to success in the e-commerce industry as well. Here, startups can implement new-age business models, like:

  • Subscription Services: This model works well for products that require regular replenishment, like beauty products, gourmet foods, or even books. It offers convenience to customers and a steady revenue stream for businesses. This model, demonstrated by the success of startups like MilkBasket in daily essentials delivery, indicates a steady demand for regular, subscription-based services.
  • Hyperlocal Services: Capitalizing on the hyperlocal model can be lucrative. Whether it’s delivering groceries, providing home services, or offering localized retail experiences, these services meet immediate consumer needs and can build strong community ties.  DunzoUrban Company, and BigBasket are a few examples of startups providing hyperlocal services.

4. Leveraging Trends and Technology

  • Utilize AI and Analytics: Leveraging technology such as AI for personalized recommendations or using analytics to understand market trends can give your startup a competitive edge.
  • Social Commerce and Influencer Collaborations: Harness the power of social media and influencer marketing to reach and engage with your target audience effectively.

How to Set Up an E-commerce Startup in India 

Now, that you are aware of the e-commerce industry in India, its trends, challenges, and how to navigate them successfully, we have prepared an action plan for those founders who want to start their own e-commerce venture.

If you’re a startup founder or business owner gearing up to launch or elevate your e-commerce business, it’s crucial to navigate these initial steps with a blend of strategic planning and innovative thinking. Let’s walk through the foundational steps to set your e-commerce venture on the path to success.

How to Set Up an E-commerce Startup in India 

1. Laying the Groundwork: Setting Up Your E-commerce Business

Starting an e-commerce business in India begins with a clear plan. You’ll need to:

  • Choose Your Niche: Identify a market segment that resonates with your passion and expertise. Whether it’s fashion, electronics, or artisanal products, selecting a niche helps in focusing your efforts and resources.
  • Legal Formalities: Ensure compliance with legal requirements, including company registration, GST registration, and understanding of e-commerce regulations. You can contact us for this.
  • Setting Up Logistics: Plan your supply chain logistics. Whether you choose to build in-house logistics or partner with third-party providers, efficient delivery systems are key to customer satisfaction.

2. Understanding Your Market and Consumers:

In-depth market research is not just a step; it’s an ongoing process that underpins your e-commerce strategy.

  • Consumer Insights: Dive deep into understanding consumer needs, preferences, and buying behaviors. Tools like surveys, social media listening, and market analysis reports can provide valuable insights.
  • Competitive Analysis: Keep an eye on your competitors – what they’re doing right and where there are gaps. Learning from others in your space can help you avoid common pitfalls and identify unique opportunities.

3. Building a Robust Digital Presence:

In today’s digital era, your digital presence is your storefront. That is why creating a strong digital footprint is crucial.

  • User-Friendly Website: For many customers, visiting your website marks their initial encounter with your brand. So, develop a website that’s not just visually appealing but also user-friendly, mobile-optimized, and easy to navigate. 
  • Leveraging Social Media: Use social media wisely. Leverage platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn to engage with customers, and build community. These platforms can be powerful channels to amplify your brand and connect with your audience.
  • Content Strategy: Develop a content strategy that resonates with your target audience. As our target audience is entrepreneurs, we create content related to the Indian startup ecosystem, articles on industry growth, etc. 

Case Studies of Successful E-commerce Startups in India

Here are case studies of a few renowned Indian e-commerce startups that have achieved success by doing a few things differently: 

1. Flipkart: The Homegrown Giant

  • Story: Flipkart’s journey began in 2007 when two ex-Amazon employees, Sachin and Binny Bansal, started an online bookstore from a Bengaluru apartment. Started small, Flipkart went on to become one of India’s largest e-commerce platforms, eventually being acquired by Walmart in 2018.
  • Lessons and Strategies: Flipkart’s success lies in its customer-centric approach, robust logistics network, and constant innovation. Early adoption of ‘Cash on Delivery’, a game-changer in India’s online retail, and the introduction of Big Billion Days are examples of how Flipkart tailored its strategies to local preferences and market dynamics.

2. Nykaa: Revolutionizing Beauty E-commerce

  • Story: Founded in 2012 by Falguni Nayar, Nykaa started as an online portal for beauty products and has since expanded into fashion and physical retail stores. It stands out for its focus on a niche segment and an extensive range of products, including luxury and wellness.
  • Lessons and Strategies: Nykaa’s success is attributed to its emphasis on customer education through beauty blogs, video tutorials, and expert chats.

3. Pepperfry: Furniture and Home Decor Online

  • Story: Launched in 2012, Pepperfry tapped into the relatively unexplored online furniture market. It grew to include a vast range of furniture and home decor products, along with experience centers across India.
  • Lessons and Strategies: Pepperfry’s success lies in its focus on a diverse product range and a seamless customer experience. Its easy-to-navigate website, augmented reality features for virtual trials, and hassle-free delivery and assembly services have set it apart.


India’s e-commerce landscape offers a breeding ground for startups, rich with opportunities for innovation and growth. As you navigate this evolving market, remember that your unique ideas and approaches could significantly contribute to the exciting future of e-commerce in India. Use this opportunity and seize this chance to make a lasting impact in the dynamic world of online retail. If you need help in setting up your e-commerce startup, contact us. From legal to funding assistance, The Startup Lab can help you go from zero to one in a matter of days.

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Note: If you are a budding entrepreneur and require assistance to register a Pvt Ltd Companyregister a company, create financial projections, business development, LLP Registration, compliance filing, funding formalities, debt fundingCFO Services, or other startup related legal servicescontact us.