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Indian Startup News
Bengaluru-based Agritech Startup Fyllo Raises Rs 3 Crore Seed Funding

Bengaluru-based agritech startup Fyllo has raised Rs 3 crore in a seed funding round from Indian Angel Network (IAN), Titan Capital, and Lead Angels. As per the agritech, it will…

Farmkart Founder: Atul Patidar
Creating A Smarter Future Of Farming, Agritech Startup ‘Farmkart’ Is Using Digital Channels To Help Farmers

The agricultural ecosystem in India is huge and employs around 50% of the Indian population. With a contribution of around 15% of the output of the Indian economy, the sector provides…

Startup Story Of DeHaat
Startup Story: This AgriTech Startup Is Using Artificial Intelligence To Help Farmers

Agriculture is considered the backbone of India’s economy as it is the prime source of livelihood for about 58% of India’s population. Even after so much dependency on agriculture, the…

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