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Traits to look for in a co founder
What To Look For In A Co-Founder For Your Startup

Growing a business is a team effort i.e effort of the founding members and the employees. Although, it’s the members of the founding team that decides the fate of the…

Investors prefer tech startups
Why investors prefer investing in tech-based startups?

Before going directly to the topic let’s have a look at some statistics of Indian Tech Market. Indian Tech Industry Statistics The IT industry in India is an important part…

How to plan a successful startup
How To Plan A Successful Startup | TheStartupLab

Building a successful startup is a big responsibility. And those who choose this road needs guidance and help at some point or the other.

6 things that will help to grow a startup faster
6 tips to grow your startup faster -TheStartupLab

A profitable startup is the one that captures more opportunities than its competitors. Making full use of the opportunities will help you to grow your startup. For that, you must…

How to raise funds for your startup
How To Optimize The Chances Of Raising Funds For Your Startup

Money is the lifeline of any business and that's why funding is required. Sometimes approaching Investors can be risky. So, you must optimize your chances.

startup idea
How to validate your startup idea?

Not every problem needs a solution. Entrepreneurs should focus on problems, that the majority of the people want to be solved.

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