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HDFC will invest Rs. 100 Crores in Tech Startups
HDFC will invest Rs.100 Cr ($14 Million) in Tech Startups every year

HDFC said they will invest up to INR 100 Cr per year in startups in the tech sector. HDFC Chairman Deepak Parekh said that the working will start in 2…

Intellectual Property Schemes run by Indian Government
Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) schemes for Startups and MSMEs by the Indian Government

Government of India provides various Intellectual Property Schemes to help grow the business ecosystem in India

Benefits of having a patent
Here’s why it is good for startups to have a Patent

Patents are like fertilizer. Applied wisely and sparingly, they can increase growth. But if you apply too many chemicals, or make patents too strong, then you can leach the land,…

6 Skills needed to be a good entrepreneur
6 most important skills to learn as an Entrepreneur

Managing the resources well is a skill every entrepreneur should have. Apart from resource management, he should be able to inspire his employees.

Points to consider before hiring an employee
How to select the right set of employees for your startup?

Employees are the heartbeat of a company. The success of a company depends on its employees. So, choose the right employees for your business

startup idea
How to validate your startup idea?

Not every problem needs a solution. Entrepreneurs should focus on problems, that the majority of the people want to be solved.

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