Healthtech Startup Jeevam Health Raises $150,000 From Y Combinator

Healthtech startup Jeevam Health
Indian startup news

Jeevam Health, a Healthtech startup that targets the telemedicine space for autoimmune and metabolic health issues in India, has raised $150,000 from Y Combinator in a pre-seed round.

Founded by Piyush Vishwakarma, Kamran Alam, and Anish Musa MD amid the pandemic in 2020, Healthtech startup Jeevam Health aims to change the perception of chronic healthcare treatment in India. Jeevam Health is making this possible by leveraging Functional Medicine Tools and Processes.

The startup follows the root cause approach and aims to combine the latest technology with the ancient wisdom of using food-as-medicine to provide holistic care to people with chronic health issues.

Talking about the funding, Kamran Alam, CTO of Jeevam, said,

“The latest seed funding from Y Combinator will help the startup to create treatment protocols for complicated autoimmune conditions such as Hashimoto Thyroiditis, psoriasis, and multiple sclerosis.”

Piyush Vishwakarma, CEO of Jeevam Health, said that getting backed by Y Combinator reinforces the startup’s vision to transform primary healthcare in India.

Piyush said,

“We are targeting the 200 million Indians suffering from chronic health conditions like autoimmune and metabolic issues.”

He also added,

“Unlike conventional doctors, who prescribe medication to suppress or manage the symptoms, Jeevam doctors use nutritional biochemistry, advanced diagnostics, and digital tools to identify the root cause of patient disease and aim to cure the root cause.”

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