Edtech Unicorn ‘Unacademy’ Acquires Test Prep Platform ‘NeoStencil’

Edtech Unicorn Unacademy
Test prep platform NeoStencil

Continuing its dominance, edtech unicorn Unacademy has now acquired NeoStencil, a test prep platform focused on government jobs, for an undisclosed amount.

NeoStencil is the sixth acquisition by Unacademy in 2020. Other startups that Unacademy acquired in 2020 are-PrepLadder, Mastree, Kreatryx, CodeChef, and Coursavy.

This acquisition will help Unacademy to strengthen its position in the test prep space. Also, it will help the edtech unicorn to increase its presence in Tier-II and III towns.

Founded by Kush Beejal and Love Beejal, NeoStencil is a Gurugram-based edtech startup that is working with a vision to make quality education available, accessible, and affordable across the country.

NeoStencil has partnered with over 100 institutions and has served 1.1 million students. The live learning platform also helped several coaching centres go digital during the pandemic.

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