7 Reasons That Make Gurugram the Ideal City for Launching Your Startup

Gurugram and Startups

In the past few years, Gurugram, a city in Haryana, has witnessed an impressive surge in startup activity. The city, often referred to as Gurgaon, has dominated the NCR counterparts of Delhi and Noida and emerged as a place for innovation and entrepreneurship. 

Being home to several renowned startups, the growth in Gurugram-based startups clearly indicates that the city offers a fertile ground for business growth and scalability.

Notably, Gurugram has become a birthplace for several unicorn startups, including OfBusiness, CARS24, PolicyBazaar, and Urban Company. These unicorns, spanning diverse sectors, showcase Gurugram’s capability to support and elevate startups from nascent stages to global success stories.

This transformation is not just by chance but spotlights the city’s unique blend of resources, opportunities, and forward-thinking policies like the Haryana Startup Policy. With that being said, now we will highlight 7 reasons why Gurugram stands out as an ideal city for launching your startup.

Gurugram’s appeal as a startup hub is significantly supported by its strategic location and outstanding connectivity. Nestled near the national capital, Delhi, Gurugram benefits immensely from its proximity to the political and economic heartbeat of India.

Being close to the national capital facilitates unparalleled access to governmental bodies, corporate headquarters, and a vast network of professional services that are essential for any growing business. But it’s not just about being near Delhi; Gurugram itself is a well-connected city, offering a robust infrastructure that includes an extensive road network and rapid metro services. This connectivity ensures that businesses in Gurugram are never too far from vital resources and markets.

Key Highlights:

  • Proximity to Delhi: Close access to government bodies, major corporations, and a vast market.
  • Robust Transport Network: Includes an efficient metro system and extensive roadways.
  • Access to Key Markets: Ideal for businesses needing to connect with markets in North India.
  • Networking Opportunities: Proximity to Delhi offers numerous networking and collaboration opportunities.
  • Easy Commute: Ensures a comfortable and efficient daily commute for employees.
  • Business Ecosystem: Being close to Delhi enriches Gurugram’s own business ecosystem, offering a competitive edge.

Just like Silicon Valley, the rise of any startup hub is underpinned by its state-of-the-art infrastructure. And this is where Gurugram excels.

From sleek co-working spaces enabling collaboration to high-tech office buildings equipped with the latest amenities, this high-tech Indian city offers an environment where businesses can prosper. Further, this robust infrastructure extends to reliable internet connectivity, power supply, and other essential services, ensuring that startups can operate seamlessly.

The presence of these facilities, with upcoming projects like Global City Gurugram, reflects Gurugram’s commitment to nurturing a vibrant business ecosystem, where startups can innovate, grow, and succeed.

Key Highlights:

  • Variety of Office Spaces: From co-working spaces to luxury offices, catering to all business needs.
  • High-Tech Facilities: Equipped with the latest technology and amenities.
  • Reliable Utilities: Steady power supply and high-speed internet connectivity.
  • Business-Friendly Environment: Infrastructure designed to support and encourage business growth.
  • Scalable Solutions: Spaces and services that grow with your startup.
Gurugram and Startups

One of Gurugram’s most significant assets for startups is its rich pool of talent. The city is home to skilled professionals having expertise in diverse backgrounds, ranging from technology and finance to creative industries. In terms of young and upcoming talent, the presence of prestigious educational institutions in and around the region also ensures a steady influx of fresh talent. Startups in Gurugram benefit from this talent diversity, gaining access to a workforce that is not only skilled but also adaptable and forward-thinking.

Key Highlights:

  • Diverse Skill Sets: Availability of professionals with a wide range of expertise.
  • Educational Institutions: Proximity to top universities and colleges supplying fresh talent.
  • Innovative Mindset: Workforce with a forward-thinking and innovative approach.
  • Cultural Diversity: A melting pot of cultures contributing to a rich work environment.
  • Competitive Edge: Access to a skilled workforce gives startups a significant competitive advantage.

Understanding the vital role startups play in economic growth, the Haryana government has rolled out various measures to encourage entrepreneurship and carried out precise policy-level interventions to position the state as a pre-eminent investment destination

In July 2022, the state government launched the Haryana Startup Policy with a specific focus on the development of a startup ecosystem, incubation, regulatory support, promotion of women entrepreneurship, development and awareness of student entrepreneurship as well as outreach initiatives.

This governmental support is instrumental in reducing the initial hurdles faced by startups, paving the way for a smoother journey toward success.

Key Highlights:

  • Seed Funding: Grants up to INR 10 Lakh per startup, varying by category and startup number.
  • Lease Rental Subsidy: Up to 45% for women-led startups, for a year, capped at INR 5 Lakh.
  • Patent Registration Support: Reimbursement of 100% of expenses, up to INR 25 Lakh.
  • SGST Reimbursement: 50% for 7 years, with a cap of 100% of Fixed Capital Investment (FCI).
  • Acceleration Program Support: Financial aid up to INR 2.5 Lakh for national and INR 5 Lakh for international programs.
  • Cloud Computing Reimbursement: 75% of expenses on Haryana-based Data Centres, up to INR 2.5 Lakh per annum for 5 years.

There must be a reason why several successful startups, such as Paytm, OYO, and Zomato, are based in Gurugram. Supported by a network of mentors, investors, and fellow entrepreneurs, Gurugram offers a fertile ground for startups to grow, with many startups achieving significant milestones and gaining national and international recognition.

Key Highlights:

  • Diversity of Startups: Presence of a wide range of startups across various sectors.
  • Incubators and Accelerators: Numerous programs providing mentorship and resources.
  • Access to Capital: Strong connections with investors and venture capitalists.
  • Networking Opportunities: Regular events and meetups for knowledge sharing and collaboration.
  • Success Stories: Numerous startups have scaled to become market leaders.

Gurugram’s quality of life is a major draw for entrepreneurs and their teams. The city offers a blend of modern urban living with rich cultural diversity. Presenting a variety of residential options, from high-end apartments to comfortable housing, this high-tech city caters to diverse lifestyle needs. Be it fine dining, shopping, and entertainment options, Gurugram has it all, enhancing the work-life balance for those in the startup ecosystem. Additionally, Gurugram’s cultural diversity encourages an inclusive atmosphere, making it a welcoming place for people from different backgrounds.

Key Highlights:

  • Diverse Residential Areas: Wide range of living options to suit different preferences.
  • Lifestyle Amenities: Numerous shopping, dining, and entertainment choices.
  • Cultural Diversity: An inclusive environment welcoming people from various backgrounds.
  • Work-Life Balance: Opportunities for relaxation and leisure to balance the work hustle.
  • Safety and Infrastructure: Well-maintained urban infrastructure and considered safe for residents.

Gurugram’s growing startup ecosystem is increasingly attracting the attention of both national and international investors. The city’s evolving startup ecosystem, strategic location, and infrastructure are major draws for venture capitalists and angel investors.

Gurugram’s growth trend is supported by the fact that in 2022, startups based in Gurugram received $2.6 billion in funding, more than double the amount Delhi-based startups received. Providing valuable expertise and global connections, these investors further enhance the growth potential of startups in Gurugram.

Key Highlights:

  • Rising Investor Interest: Growing attraction for venture capitalists and angel investors.
  • Global Connections: Access to international markets and networks.
  • Diverse Investment Portfolio: Investments spanning various sectors and stages.
  • Expertise and Mentorship: Investors often bring industry knowledge and mentorship.
  • Favorable Business Environment: A climate that supports and encourages investment activities.

While there are other growing startup hubs in India, Gurugram’s unique offerings and dynamic environment provide an unparalleled platform for entrepreneurs to innovate, grow, and succeed. With backing from the state government, the city has firmly established itself as a premier destination for startups, also offering a unique blend of strategic location, a talented workforce, and abundant investment opportunities. These attributes not only distinguish Gurugram in India’s startup landscape but also make it a competitive player globally. 

If you require assistance in launching your startup in Gurugram, contact us. We have assisted over 1000 businesses in their legal matters and helped 17 startups get funded. Our experience and expertise working with startups could be the key to ensuring your startup progresses smoothly and successfully.

Follow us and connect with us on Instagram, FacebookTwitter, and LinkedIn.

Note: If you are a budding entrepreneur and require assistance to register a Pvt Ltd Companyregister a company, create financial projections, business development, LLP Registration, compliance filing, funding formalities, debt fundingCFO Services, or other startup related legal servicescontact us.