Logistics Platform Shipsy Sets Up Regional Headquarters In Dubai

Shipsy Founders: Soham Chokshi, Himanshu Gupta, Dhruv Agarwal, and Sahil Arora
Indian Startup News

Gurugram-based digital logistics platform Shipsy has established regional headquarters in Dubai to strengthen its presence in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries.

The logistics startup plans to help Middle East businesses automate operations and avert pandemic-induced logistics challenges. Shipsy also looks to recruit for leadership and mid-level management roles in the sales department and build new channel partners in the region.

Started by IITians Soham Chokshi, Himanshu Gupta, Dhruv Agarwal, and Sahil Arora in 2015, Shipsy is Gurugram-based end-to-end global trade and logistics management company. The startup offers transportation management, freight procurement, logistics management solutions via intelligent modules and centralised dashboard configurations.

Speaking on the development, Soham Chokshi, Co-founder of Shipsy, said,

“We are excited to set the ball rolling with new recruitments on the horizon. We are certain that this expansion will pave the way for newer partnerships and mutual avenues of growth in the region.”

Leveraging artificial intelligence, big data, and cloud capabilities, the logistics startup enables businesses to reduce logistics costs, achieve transparency, improve their customer centricity & efficiency, and ensure timely delivery of goods across different transportation modes.

Coming back to the development, Shipsy stated that more than 50 large clients are already on board from the region, including retailers like Extra.com and the Pan Emirates. The digital logistics platform now envisions increasing its client portfolio across the Gulf three-fold.

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