29 Best Marketing Tools For Startups and Small Businesses

Your success as a marketer mainly depends on the marketing tools that you are using.
To get the attention of your target audience, you need to have access to and knowledge of multiple marketing tools.
This blog will provide you a detailed list of best marketing tools that many startups and small businesses can use. Using these business tools, you can provide good content to your audience, and become available to them at every touchpoint.
29 Best Marketing Tools for Startups and Small Businesses
- Adobe Spark (Create Corporate Videos, Blogs)
- PicMonkey (Image Editor)
- Lightshot (Screenshot Tool)
- Nikabot (Time Tracking)
- Gridel.one (Project Management)
- Spreadshare.co (Excel Formats)
- Appear.in (Video Conferencing)
- Freeprivacypolicy.com (Privacy Doc)
- Hubspot.com (CRM)
- Nounproject (Vector Images)
- Quickbooks (Accounting)
- Semrush.com (Website Analysis)
- Alexa (Website Analysis)
- Sendpulse.com (Web Push)
- Hootsuite (Social Media Marketing and Management dashboard)
- Gtmatrix (Website User Analysis)
- Builtwith (Know technicals of your competitor’s website)
- Betterproposal.io (Proposal Builder)
- Hunter (Identifying the e-mail id of a LinkedIn user)
- MITAPP (Built Android App)
- Msg91.com (Bulk SMS)
- Powtoons (Video Presentation Builder)
- Canva (Photo Editor and Designing)
- Google Analytics
- Kissmatrix (website Heatmap)
- Leadbarry.com (Lead Generation)
- Zoom.us (Video Conferencing)
- Browntape (Manage Multiple Seller Platforms on single Platform)
- Whois.com(Track Ownership and Tenure of a Domain name)
1. Adobe Spark
Developed by Adobe, Adobe Spark is an integrated suite of media creation applications. You can use Adobe Spark to create media for the mobile and web. Adobe Spark’s integrated suite contains three separate design apps: Spark Video, Spark Page, and Spark Post.
2. PicMonkey (Photo Editing and Designing)
Working with a vision to empower everyday creatives to interact visually, PicMonkey is an online photo designing and editing service. You can access PicMonkey using a web browser, or PicMonkey mobile app.
3. Lightshot (Screenshot Tool)
Lightshot is an easy to use application and provides the user with the fastest way to take a customizable screenshot.
Presently, Lightshot is accessible for Windows/Mac, Chrome, Firefox, IE and, Opera users.
4. Nikabot (Team Tracking)
Nikabot is a time tracking Slackbot to keep track of what your team is doing. It has daily tracking tools, visual team overview, detailed project reports, data export features, and more.
5. Gridel.one
Gridel is a client management software that helps to manage Leads, Proposals, Clients, Invoicing and Revenues, etc. in a single platform.
6. Spreadshare.co
SpreadShare is a content community for digital professionals on which data is shared in tabular form. You can share and discover content on spread share on topics like startups and digital technology.
7. Appear.in
Appear is a video services platform that is dedicated to designing, and producing world-class professional video services.
8. Freeprivacypolicy.com (Privacy Policy Creator)
It is a website where you can create a Privacy Policy for your website or app that complies with CCPA, Google Analytics, GDPR, CalOPPA, Google AdSense, eCommerce laws, and more.
9. Hubspot.com (CRM)
HubSpot CRM is currently one of the leading CRM apps available in the market. It is free, easier to use and suitable for all niches and industries.
10. Nounproject (High-Quality Icons)
Noun Project is a website where you can get high-quality icons for free.
11. Quickbooks
QuickBooks is an accounting software package used mainly for small and medium-sized businesses. It offers on-premises accounting applications as well as cloud-based versions. You can do business payments, manage and pay bills, and payroll functions.
12. SEMrush (Website Analysis)
SEMrush is a SaaS (software as a service) company that provides online visibility and marketing analytics software tools.
13. Alexa (Website Analysis)
Alexa is a website that does automated website analysis to provide you insights into your site’s strengths, weaknesses, and digital marketing opportunities.
14. Sendpulse (Marketing Services)
Sendpulse is a Multi-Channel Marketing Platform. It provides services like email service, web push, SMS, transactional messages, and Facebook chatbot.
15. Hootsuite (Social Media Marketing and Management Dashboard)
Hootsuite is a social media management platform and supports social network integrations for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube.
16. Gtmatrix (Website User Analysis)
GTmetrix is a free tool that helps in analyzing your page’s speed performance. By using tools like PageSpeed and YSlow, GTmetrix generates scores for your website’s performance.
17. Builtwith
Builtwith is a website where you can get information about the technology your website is built upon and the tools you are using on your website.
You can use this website to get insights into your competitor’s website.
18. BetterProposals (Proposal Builder)
Better Proposals is a proposal builder site and helps you create proposals faster. Using Better Proposals, any beginner can create professional-looking proposals. You can try it free for 14 days.
19. Hunter (Identifying the e-mail id behind any website)
Hunter helps you in finding email addresses behind any website in seconds and helps in connecting with the people that matter for your business. It has a chrome extension too.
20. MIT App Inventor (Build MobileApp)
MIT App Inventor is a web application integrated development environment that allows newcomers to computer programming. You can create application software(apps) for two operating systems (OS): Android (operating system)|Android, and iOS using MIT App Inventor.
21. Msg91 (Bulk SMS)
MSG91 is an SMS service provider to Entreprises. Services like Bulk SMS, Regional SMS, Transactional SMS API, OTP Verification APIs, Promotional SMS are provided by MSG91.
22. Powtoon (Video/Presentation Builder)
Powtoon is an Animated Explainer video and presentation creation platform. It is easier to use and creates videos faster.
23. Canva (Photo Editor and Designing)
Canva is a multimedia design platform, available on web and mobile. Using Canva, you can create graphics for social media, presentations, posters, and other visual content.
24. Google Analytics
Google Analytics is a free web analytics tool that keeps track of your website’s traffic and provides a report. You can use google analytics to find out how your visitors locate your website, user flow, and use can also segment your visitors as per the required available metrics.
25. Kissmatrix (Analytics)
KISSmetrics is a web analytics tool that provides advanced user-based insights. It provides a precise picture of users’ activities on your website.
26. Leadbarry (Lead Generation)
Leadberry is a web-based lead generation software in the B2B category. It helps in converting website visitors to sales leads.
27. Zoom (Video Conferencing)
Zoom offers remote conferencing services like video conferencing, online meetings, chat, and mobile collaboration. Zoom is the market leader in modern enterprise video communications
28. Browntape (Manage Multiple Seller Platforms on single Platform)
Browntape is a centralized eCommerce software that allows Flipkart, Amazon, Snapdeal sellers to manage orders & inventory on its platform.
29. Whois
Whois is a website that allows you to track the ownership and tenure of a domain name. As all houses are registered under governing authority, all domain name registries keep a record of information about every domain name purchased through them.
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