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Knocksense Founders: Vibhore Mayank and Varul Mayank
Hyperlocal Content Platform Knocksense Raises $150K In Bridge Round

Lucknow-based local content production platform Knocksense has raised $ 150,000 in its bridge round from We founder circle, Appyhigh (Lead Investor), Mumbai Angels Network and angel investors from LetsVenture. The…

Knocksense Founders: Vibhore Mayank and Varul Mayank
Lucknow-Based MediaTech Startup ‘Knocksense’ Raises Angel Funding Of $200,000

Lucknow-based media tech startup Knocksense has raised $200,000 in an angel round of funding. The funding round saw participation from Mohit Satyanand’s syndicate on Let’s Venture, We Founder Circle, and…

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